понедельник, 14 мая 2012 г.

Cultural Exchange Package!!!!!!!!!!!!!! перепост!!!

А мы решили вот в чем на этот раз поучавствовать:) Присоединяйтесь!!!:)

"...I will group people into groups of 4.  Each person (family) will send out 3 packages and will receive 3 packages to their group members from around the world.

Each package should include the following:

- a letter from a child describing his/her life in his/her country...favorite foods, sports, activities, religious activities, daily schedule, school, vacations...anything that you or your child think would be interesting to a child in another country.

- Pics of your child in his home, etc.  You don't have to send close-up face pics if you are not comfortable doing so.

- Postcards, stamps, coins,

- craft, coloring sheets, small toys or games, small books

- cds of your child's favorite music or books on cd (we received several of these and LOVE them)

- recipes, pics of food specific to your region

- anything else that you think would be fun for a child to receive..."

More Info here!!!

More international participants are needed!!!!